Vice President Dhankhar Slams Rahul Gandhi: 'Criticize Government, Not the Nation'

Koushik Roy

Vice President Dhankhar Slams Rahul Gandhi: ‘Criticize Government, Not the Nation’

Rahul Gandhi’s Sikh Remark Sparks Political Controversy

In a recent political debacle, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar condemned Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his remarks regarding the Sikh community during a speech in the United States. On September 12, Dhankhar, without naming Gandhi, expressed his discontent over a person in a constitutional role siding with the “enemies of the nation.” The Vice President asserted that foreign trips by political leaders often translate to efforts aimed at defaming India and damaging its global reputation.

The Context of the Controversy


The situation escalated following comments made by Rahul Gandhi about religious freedom in India while addressing forums at Georgetown University and other locations in the US. His statements suggested a struggle against forces that do not appreciate India’s pluralistic fabric, prompting a strong backlash from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its affiliates.

Vice President Dhankhar’s Strong Rebuttal

During his address to interns of the Rajya Sabha, Dhankhar expressed his grief and concern regarding the ignorance exhibited by some in constitutional positions. He stated, “If we are true Indians, we will never take the side of the enemies of the country,” underscoring the importance of understanding national interests and the legacy of India’s Constitution.

Political Reactions

Following Gandhi’s comments, Union Minister Amit Shah accused him of consistently aligning with factions that aim to distort the unity of India. This sentiment was echoed by various BJP leaders, who criticized Gandhi’s remarks as damaging and anti-national. The BJP’s Sikh cell also organized protests outside Sonia Gandhi’s residence, demanding an apology from Rahul Gandhi for his statements.

The Significance of Nationalism

Vice President Dhankhar underscored the sacrifices made for India’s independence, emphasizing that nationalism should not be trivialized. He expressed concern that some individuals in public office fail to recognize the significance of India’s rich civilization and constitutional values. “Mothers sacrificed their sons, and wives sacrificed their husbands. We cannot make a mockery of our nationalism,” he remarked during his speech.

Key Comments from Rahul Gandhi

During his overseas tour, Rahul Gandhi criticized the RSS and the BJP, stating that the Congress views the struggle through an ideological lens. He raised questions about the rights of Sikhs to practice their religion freely, specifically regarding the wearing of turbans and access to gurdwaras. His comments were positioned as part of a broader call for religious freedom and respect for diversity in India.

BJP’s Counterarguments

The BJP responded vigorously to Gandhi’s rhetoric, accusing him of perpetuating a harmful narrative among the Indian diaspora. They contended that his statements undermine India’s integrity and project a distorted view of the country abroad. Their focus is on reinforcing a unified national identity while challenging Gandhi’s assertions as detrimental to India’s image internationally.


The ongoing exchange between Rahul Gandhi and the BJP highlights the complexities of political discourse in India, particularly concerning issues of nationalism, religion, and identity. As the political landscape evolves, these discussions will undoubtedly shape public perception and influence future electoral dynamics. The importance of maintaining a respectful dialogue surrounding such topics cannot be overstated, as it resonates deeply within the fabric of Indian society.