Police Unleash Hissing King Cobras from Bag, Sparks Panic on Platform

Koushik Roy

Police Unleash Hissing King Cobras from Bag, Sparks Panic on Platform

Unclaimed Bag at Jhansi Railway Station Contains King Cobras

In a startling incident at the Veerangana Laxmibai railway station in Jhansi, an unclaimed bag was discovered on platform number 7, attracting the attention of the Railway Protection Force (RPF). Upon inspection, the bag was found to contain a couple of live King Cobra snakes, sending alarm bells ringing among the authorities and passengers alike.

The Discovery

As the RPF team conducted their routine checks, they noticed a suspicious bag left unattended. After questioning nearby passengers, it became evident that no one claimed ownership of the bag. The situation escalated when an RPF officer opened the bag, prompting two King Cobras to emerge, hissing menacingly. The officers wisely kept their distance and immediately called for reinforcements from the forest department to handle the situation safely.

A Multi-Department Response


The alert quickly reached multiple departments, including the Government Railway Police (GRP) and the local forest services. Understanding the potential danger posed by the snakes, they rushed to the scene. The forest team successfully captured the snakes without incident and transported them to a nearby forested area, thus averting a potential crisis that could have endangered many lives.

Public Reaction

The news of the King Cobras at the railway station spread rapidly, creating a wave of panic among passengers and station staff. With the situation now under control, officials began investigating the origins of the bag. Preliminary reports suggest that it may belong to a snake charmer who might have abandoned it amid the chaos.

Understanding the King Cobra

The King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is not just known for its size; it is the longest venomous snake in the world, capable of growing up to 18 feet in length. Its potent venom is highly neurotoxic, capable of killing a large animal, such as an elephant, in a matter of hours. Without prompt medical attention, the mortality rate from a King Cobra bite can exceed 50%.

Key Facts About King Cobras

Attribute Details
Length Up to 18 feet
Range Southeast Asia, including India
Diet Primarily other snakes, including venomous species
Venom Neurotoxic; can be lethal
Conservation Status Vulnerable due to habitat loss and hunting

Avoiding Future Incidents

This incident highlights the importance of vigilance and quick action in potentially dangerous situations. The cooperation between different departments, including RPF, GRP, and forestry services, was crucial in preventing what could have been a significant public safety issue. It serves as a reminder for travelers and commuters to report any suspicious items or wildlife encounters immediately to authorities.


The timely identification and response to the presence of King Cobras at the Jhansi railway station underscore the importance of emergency preparedness and cooperation among various agencies. Increased awareness and education on handling wildlife encounters can help ensure public safety in the future.