NASA Alerts: 720-Foot Asteroid Heading Toward Earth Today!

Koushik Roy

NASA Alerts: 720-Foot Asteroid Heading Toward Earth Today!

NASA Issues Asteroid Alert: A Close Encounter

NASA has recently raised an alert regarding a substantial asteroid, designated as 2024 ON, which measures approximately 720 feet in diameter—equivalent in height to a 60-story building. This asteroid is swiftly approaching Earth and is expected to pass at a distance of about 620,000 miles from our planet on September 15, 2024. While this distance may seem vast in astronomical terms, any deviation in its trajectory could pose significant risks of collision.

The Potential Impact of Asteroid 2024 ON

Nasa officials have emphasized that even a slight change in the asteroid’s course could result in catastrophic consequences for Earth. Although current data and tracking by NASA and other international space agencies indicate a minimal chance of a collision, scientists are closely monitoring the asteroid’s trajectory to ensure public safety. The tracking efforts aim to detect any shifts that could increase the risk of an impact.

Tracking and Monitoring by Scientists


NASA’s Near-Earth Object Observation Program was the first to detect asteroid 2024 ON. This program is dedicated to tracking asteroids and other celestial bodies that come close to Earth. Scientists are analyzing the asteroid’s speed and orbital path, remaining vigilant for any deviations. In addition to being a potential threat, the asteroid’s passage may also cause disturbances on Earth due to its gravitational effects, potentially leading to seismic vibrations.

A Rare Celestial Event: Visibility and Observation

Asteroids of this size and proximity are a rare occurrence, generally happening once every decade. Asteroid 2024 ON will be observable from the Northern Hemisphere starting at 2:30 PM on September 15, 2024. For those interested in astronomy, this event can be viewed through live feeds from virtual telescopes. If atmospheric conditions permit, amateur astronomers may also attempt to view the asteroid with their telescopes. Observations will include studies of its composition, rotation period, speed, and orbital characteristics, contributing valuable insights to our understanding of the solar system’s dynamics.


While the trajectory of asteroid 2024 ON is closely monitored and poses minimal immediate risk, it serves as a crucial reminder of the ongoing need for vigilance in tracking near-Earth objects. The scientific community continues to gather data to enhance our understanding of asteroids and their potential impacts on Earth’s environment and safety.