Mark Mobius Predicts Sensex Could Hit 100K by Year-End!

Koushik Roy

Mark Mobius Predicts Sensex Could Hit 100K by Year-End!

Mark Mobius: Bullish Outlook for Indian Stock Markets

Mark Mobius, a seasoned investor renowned for his expertise in emerging markets, shared his positive outlook on the Indian stock market during a recent interview with CNBC-TV18 on September 30. He asserted that the ongoing bullish sentiment could propel the Sensex to an impressive 100,000 points by year-end, contingent upon regulatory stability from SEBI regarding derivative market activities.

The Influence of SEBI Regulations

Mobius cautioned that any stringent measures imposed by SEBI to curtail derivative activities might significantly dampen the current rally in the Indian stock market. He articulated that, while the market’s momentum appears robust, regulatory actions could alter its trajectory. Nonetheless, he remains optimistic about the continuation of this unprecedented bull run.

New Bull Market on the Horizon for China


Beyond India, Mobius indicated that the Chinese government is taking proactive steps to rejuvenate its economy. He noted that this could herald the beginning of a new bull market in China. Recent announcements aimed at supporting small businesses by President Xi Jinping signal a significant policy shift that may positively reflect on broader Asian markets, including India. “We may see a new bull market in China,” he stated, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these markets.

Impact of China’s Market Performance on India

Mobius explained that improvements in the Chinese market could spur investment in India, as a substantial proportion of capital flowing into emerging markets typically heads towards index funds, where India’s growing weightage in indices like MSCI presents good news for its stock performance.

Investment Recommendations for Foreign Funds

In his recommendations for foreign investors, Mobius suggested that they allocate at least 50% of their total investments in emerging markets to India. The remaining portion can be diversified among other emerging economies such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Türkiye, Brazil, South Korea, and Thailand. This strategy leverages India’s growing economic prominence while still tapping into potential gains in other markets.

Sectors with Strong Growth Potential

When it comes to sectoral investments within India, Mobius emphasized a positive outlook for real estate and commodities. He noted the robust demand for housing and the potential for growth in these sectors. Furthermore, he expressed interest in sectors such as metal, automotive, infrastructure, pharmaceuticals, and financials as favorable investment opportunities.

The Road Ahead for the Sensex

Looking ahead, Mobius remains confident that if SEBI avoids implementing restrictive regulations, the Sensex could very well reach the psychological level of 100,000 points by the end of the year. “It would be challenging to halt this unprecedented bull run,” he concluded, highlighting the optimism surrounding the Indian market.

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