Bollywood has always been vibrant with news about its stars, and one name that frequently captures headlines is Kangana Ranaut. The acclaimed actress and Member of Parliament from the BJP is currently immersed in her highly anticipated film, ‘Emergency’. Initially set to hit theaters on September 6, the release faced delays due to hurdles in obtaining a certification from the censor board. Amidst juggling her film career, Kangana recently opened up about her thoughts on marriage, providing fascinating insights into her personal life.
Kangana Ranaut Shares Her Thoughts on Marriage
Known for her outspoken nature and distinctive style, Kangana Ranaut, who is affectionately referred to as ‘Queen’ in the Bollywood industry, has garnered immense interest from fans regarding her marital plans. During a candid interview with News18, she was asked a pertinent question: Is she considering marriage anytime soon? Her response was refreshingly candid—’Yes, I want to get married.’ This admission sparked curiosity among her fans about whether her marriage would coincide with her responsibilities as an MP.
Laughing, Kangana remarked, ‘I hope so; after this, there will be no benefit in getting married.’ This lighthearted comment highlighted her sense of humor while addressing a serious topic. When further pressed about the timeline for her marriage, she added, ‘First, let my film release, then I will tell you further.’ This statement demonstrates Kangana’s commitment to her professional projects and her desire to prioritize them before making personal commitments.
Kangana Ranaut and Chirag Paswan: Clearing the Air
During the interview, Kangana was also queried about a viral picture of her with Chirag Paswan, which has stirred some speculation. She clarified their relationship, stating, ‘Chirag Paswan is my good friend, and we have worked on a film together.’ In a playful tone, she mentioned how she finds herself explaining the picture in various forums, expressing the humorous side of fame. She emphasized, however, that there is nothing romantic between them, reiterating that Chirag is a genuinely humble individual.
Her Upcoming Film: ‘Emergency’
On the professional front, Kangana is poised to make a significant impact through her upcoming film, ‘Emergency’, where she portrays the role of the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Not only is Kangana starring in the film, but she is also taking on the role of director, showcasing her multifaceted talent in the industry. The film aims to delve into critical historical events, and Kangana’s portrayal of such an iconic figure is expected to resonate with audiences, sparking interest in both her acting and directing capabilities. As the release date approaches, fans anticipate both the film’s content and Kangana’s growth as an artist.
Kangana Ranaut continues to remain a compelling figure in Bollywood, drawing attention for her work and her evolving personal narrative. As she expresses her desire for marriage while navigating her impressive film career, fans and followers eagerly await what comes next for this dynamic actress. From her bold statements to her approach to her craft, Kangana exemplifies the spirit of modern-day Indian cinema.