Homemade Healthy Snacks to Curb Spicy Food Cravings

Krishna Chandra

Homemade Healthy Snacks to Curb Spicy Food Cravings

People have unique tastes when it comes to food, from sweet treats to spicy snacks. While indulging in these flavors can be enjoyable, excessive consumption, especially of commercial snacks, can adversely affect health. For those who relish spicy foods and crave namkeen daily, it’s important to be mindful of health impacts from store-bought options. Instead, consider preparing healthy snacks at home.

Why Choose Homemade Namkeen?

Commercial namkeen is often loaded with unhealthy fats, preservatives, and excessive salt. By opting for homemade versions, you can control the ingredients, making healthier choices that satisfy your cravings without compromising your health. Plus, homemade namkeen can be easily stored and enjoyed over several days. Below are some simple recipes to whip up delicious and nutritious salty snacks at home.

How to Make Namkeen at Home


Here’s a quick method to create a nutritious namkeen mix:

  1. Begin by adding poha (flattened rice) to a pan and frying it until it becomes crispy. Once done, transfer it to a bowl.
  2. In the same pan, add puffed rice and fry for 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Next, add makhana (fox nuts) to the pan and fry them until they become crispy, then transfer to a bowl as well.

Spicing It Up

In another pan, heat ghee as needed and add peanuts, frying them for 2 minutes. Then, introduce curry leaves, turmeric, coriander powder, cumin powder, and finely chopped green chilies. Mix everything well before adding dry mango powder and letting the mixture cook for an additional 1 to 2 minutes.

Combine Your Ingredients

Now, add the roasted puffed rice, poha, makhana, and salt to the pan. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Your homemade namkeen is ready for storage; it can last for up to a week!

Healthy Low-Calorie Carrot Fries

If you’re looking to curb your cravings for salty snacks, consider making a spicy carrot dish. For this recipe, you’ll need:

  • 2 to 3 carrots
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Rice flour

Preparation Steps

Start by soaking the carrots in lukewarm water. Then, combine them with salt, butter, and rice flour, mixing thoroughly until you achieve a smooth paste. Shape this mixture into fries and bake them in the microwave until cooked. This quick snack option is not only healthy but also delicious. Remember, it’s best to consume them soon after making them for optimal taste and health benefits.


By preparing snacks at home, you not only satisfy your craving for salty foods but also promote better health through wholesome ingredients. With these simple recipes, you can enjoy tasty namkeen and carrot fries, all while being mindful of your health and nutrition. Enjoy your homemade snacks guilt-free!