Father Installs CCTV on Daughter's Head: Heartwarming Viral Video!

Koushik Roy

Father Installs CCTV on Daughter’s Head: Heartwarming Viral Video!

Shocking Parental Measures in Pakistan: A Father’s Unique Approach to Safety

In recent times, stories from Pakistan have left many astounded, and one particular incident has become a hot topic on social media. A video that has gone viral shows a Pakistani father taking an unconventional approach to safeguard his daughter by installing a CCTV camera on her head. This intriguing decision has garnered significant attention, raising questions about parental concern and the lengths parents are willing to go to ensure their children’s safety.

The Viral Video

The viral video features a young girl happily wearing a head-mounted CCTV camera, which her father installed to monitor her activities whenever she is outside. In the video, she explains that her father, whom she affectionately refers to as “Walid Sahab,” keeps a constant watch over her through this unique device. Surprisingly, rather than being upset, she endorses her father’s decision, stating that it serves a crucial purpose: collecting evidence should she ever become a victim of a crime.

Concerns About Safety in Karachi


This innovative security measure reflects the broader concerns parents have regarding their children’s safety, particularly in bustling cities like Karachi. The girl shared that many unfortunate incidents occur frequently, leaving victims without any proof to seek justice. She mentioned the significance of her father’s CCTV camera, asserting, “If someone hits me, at least there will be proof,” emphasizing the importance of evidence in securing justice.

Context of the Decision

To understand the gravity of the situation, it is essential to consider the recent events in Karachi. A notorious hit-and-run incident involved a wealthy individual who struck and killed two people while driving an SUV at high speed. This high-profile case, which drew widespread protests, highlights the frustrations surrounding the justice system. Many believe that wealth often shields individuals from accountability, leaving victims and their families without recourse. The recent bail granted to the accused further exacerbates public anger and fear regarding safety on the roads.

The Father’s Perspective

While many reactions to the video have ranged from disbelief to concern about privacy and autonomy, it is crucial to recognize the underlying motivations driving such drastic measures. Pakistani parents face unique challenges in ensuring their children’s safety, especially daughters, in a society where incidents of harassment and violence are all too common. The father’s action, while controversial, could be interpreted as an expression of love and concern, inspired by a desire to protect his child in an increasingly unpredictable environment.


This unprecedented use of technology raises important conversations about child safety, parental responsibility, and the societal conditions that necessitate such extreme measures. As discussions around this topic continue, it brings to light the pressing need for improved safety and justice systems that can effectively protect individuals, particularly vulnerable groups like women and children, from harm. The girl’s story serves as a reminder of the lengths to which parents will go out of love and the urgent need for more effective societal solutions to ensure the safety of all citizens.