The highly anticipated thriller Do Patti, featuring acclaimed actors Kajol, Kriti Sanon, and Shaheer Sheikh, premiered on Netflix on October 25, 2024. Directed by Shashanka Chaturvedi, the film delves into a gripping narrative centered around twin sisters, Saumya and Shailee, who harbor dark secrets that come to light when a determined police inspector, Vidya Jyothi Kanwar (played by Kajol), investigates an attempted murder case linked to them. Set against the picturesque backdrop of the fictional town of Devipur in Uttarakhand, the storyline unfolds as the inspector navigates a web of deception and hidden truths.
Audience Reactions
The film has already sparked considerable buzz on social media platforms, particularly Twitter, where viewers have shared their thoughts following its release. One enthusiastic viewer expressed, “I’ve been eagerly waiting for #DoPatti ever since the first look dropped, and let me just say…WOW! The tension, the performances, the thrill—it kept me at the edge of my seat! Kriti Sanon and Shaheer Sheikh absolutely crushed it. This is NOT your typical thriller; trust me. My mind is still reeling!”
Whatta a great movie to start her career as a producer, #KritiSanon devoured as an actor too. Irrespective of known twists & floppy screenplay, the subject really stood out for me. one time watch movie with good album, mother song gave me goosebumps everytime it played! #DoPatti
— ???????????????????? (@apnadheklo_) October 25, 2024
Another user praised Kriti Sanon’s dual role, stating, “@KritiSanon, your performance in #DoPatti is so convincing! The way you portrayed Shailee and Saumya’s contrasting personalities and emotions was incredible. Those jaw-dropping final 30 minutes? You peaked! Deserves all the love!” This sentiment highlights how viewers were particularly impressed by her ability to embody two distinct characters
#DoPatti is not for the faint hearted.
It’s disturbing and triggering but I will give it to the makers bcoz they wanted to make it on your face so that you feel it.
Ngl they actually did get me bad so Kudos. #ShaheerSheikh #KritiSanon
— ????????????????????❤️ (@WithhLoveAnnie) October 25, 2024
Now I understood why SS said that his character is grey. It’s not only grey but also it’s black.
Damn ????????
The man who played softies like Arjun, Kanha has now played this badass Dhruv Sood…too good.
Congratulations #ShaheerSheikh#DoPatti #ShaheerAsDhruv #DoPattiOnNetflix— AJ/fan acc???? (@AJxJourney) October 25, 2024
.Kajol’s portrayal as a tough cop also garnered significant acclaim. A fan tweeted, “#Kajol as a cop is phenomenal! The way she acts and speaks—especially her accent—shows why she has ruled this industry since the ’90s.
#Kajol as a cop, the way she acts and the way speaks especially the accent. One of the main reason why she is ruling this industry since 90s. Vidya Jyothi Kanwar has to be one of my fav character of Kajol. also I love her one liners ????❤️ #DoPatti #Kajol
— Mr. Roy (@berojgarroy90) October 25, 2024
Vidya Jyothi Kanwar has to be one of my favorite characters of hers. I love her one-liners in #DoPatti!”Shaheer Sheikh’s transformation into a morally ambiguous character did not go unnoticed either. One viewer remarked, “Now I understand why Shaheer Sheikh said his character is gray. It’s not just gray; it’s black! The man who played soft roles like Arjun has now nailed this badass Dhruv Sood. Too good! Congratulations, #ShaheerSheikh!”
@KritiSanon, your performance #DoPatti Is so convincing the way you portrayed Shailee & Saumya’s contrasting personality & emotions, the way you showcased your incredible range, & those jaw dropping final 30 mins the actor sanon peaked ????????
Deserves all the love ❤#KritiSanon— shubhhhh ???? (@Perksofshubhhhh) October 25, 2024
However, some viewers provided a more cautious perspective. One user noted, “#DoPatti is not for the faint-hearted. It’s disturbing and triggering, but I have to give credit to the makers for making it so impactful. They really got under my skin with this one.” This comment reflects the film’s intense themes and its ability to provoke strong emotional reactions among its audience.
I’ve been eagerly waiting for #DoPatti ever since the first look dropped, and let me just say…WOW! ????
The tension, the performances, the thrill-it kept me at the edge of my seat! ????
Can’t say too much, but Kriti Sanon & Shaheer Sheikh absolutely crushed it. This is NOT your…
— Hamza Saberi ???????? (@saberi_hamza) October 25, 2024
Critical Reception
Despite the positive reception of the performances, some reviews pointed to flaws in the film’s script and pacing. Critics mentioned that while the film has its thrilling moments, certain plot twists felt predictable and detracted from the overall impact. The film’s attempt to blend serious themes with entertainment was noted as both a strength and a weakness; it successfully engages viewers but sometimes falters in execution.
Production Insights
In addition to its engaging plot and strong performances, Do Patti marks a significant milestone for Kriti Sanon as it is her debut production under her banner, Blue Butterfly Films. The film’s production team expressed excitement about bringing such a compelling story to life with a talented cast. With its combination of suspenseful storytelling and emotional depth, Do Patti aims to captivate audiences looking for an intense thriller experience.
As it stands, Do Patti is now available for streaming on Netflix, inviting subscribers to immerse themselves in this intriguing tale filled with suspense and drama.