Conspiracy Uncovered: 9 Iron Rods Found on Punjab Railway Track Amid Fourth Train Accident in a Month!

Koushik Roy

Conspiracy Uncovered: 9 Iron Rods Found on Punjab Railway Track Amid Fourth Train Accident in a Month!

Recent Conspiracy to Disrupt Train Services in Punjab

Indian Railways has been facing alarming incidents of sabotage recently, with a recent case surfacing in Punjab that has raised significant concerns regarding train safety and security. Following a similar event in Kanpur, the quick actions of a loco pilot in Punjab potentially averted a disastrous accident involving a goods train.

Incident Details

On September 23, near Bangi Nagar in the Bathinda district, nine iron rods were discovered placed on the railway tracks along the Delhi-Bathinda route. Thanks to the alertness of the loco pilot, who spotted the rods and promptly applied the brakes, disaster was averted. The rail traffic was halted for approximately 40 minutes while railway officials, including the pointsman and assistant station master, carefully removed the obstructions.

Investigation Underway


Following the incident, officials from the Government Railway Police (GRP) and the Railway Protection Force (RPF) promptly arrived at the scene to investigate further. They examined nearby CCTV footage, aiming to gather evidence that could lead to identifying the culprits responsible for placing these hazardous materials on the tracks. An FIR has been registered against unknown individuals as the investigation continues.

Previous Incidents Heightening Concerns

This recent incident is particularly concerning as it is the fourth such disruption attempt reported in just a month. The day before the Punjab incident, a gas cylinder was discovered on the tracks near Prempur railway station in Kanpur, which again was fortunately detected by the loco pilot before a tragedy could occur. On that occasion, the train was en route from Kanpur to Prayagraj.

Details of the Kanpur Incident

The occurrence in Kanpur on September 22 triggered an immediate response from local law enforcement, which noted the presence of an empty red gas cylinder on the track. The Railway Protection Force promptly initiated steps to investigate the situation, leading to an FIR being filed against unknown persons for negligence that could have endangered lives.

Comprehensive Action Plan Required

In light of these troubling events, the authorities are being called upon to enhance monitoring and safety protocols on the railway tracks. The Additional Director General (Railways) emphasized the need for a coordinated action plan involving the RPF, local police, and railway officials to improve vigilance and prevent future incidents of this nature.


As these distressing occurrences continue to unfold, it underscores the urgency for stringent measures to ensure passenger safety on Indian railways. The collaboration between railway authorities and law enforcement is pivotal in restoring public confidence and safeguarding the rail network from malicious acts. Continuous monitoring and prompt actions can avert threats to the lives of thousands who rely on train travel daily.