Varun Dhawan’s film Baby John continues to struggle at the box office. As reflected in Baby John Box Office Collection, which totals approximately ₹39.01 crore after two weeks of release. The film, which hit theaters on December 25, 2024, is an official Hindi adaptation of the Tamil blockbuster Theri and features the Bollywood debut of actress Keerthy Suresh, alongside a talented cast including Wamiqa Gabbi, Jackie Shroff, and a special appearance by Salman Khan.
Box Office Performance Overview
Daywise Collection
- Day 1 [December 25]: ₹11.25 Cr
- Day 2 [December 26]: ₹4.75 Cr
- Day 3 [December 27]: ₹3.65 Cr
- Day 4 [December 28]: ₹4.25 Cr
- Day 5 [December 29]: ₹4.75 Cr
- Day 6 [December 30]: ₹1.85 Cr
- Day 7 [December 31]: ₹2.15 Cr
- Day 8 [January 1]: ₹2.75 Cr
- Day 9 [January 2]: ₹1.00 Cr
- Day 10 [January 3]: ₹0.55 Cr
- Day 11 [January 4]: ₹0.75 Cr
- Day 12 [January 5]: ₹0.85 Cr
- Day 13 [January 6]: ₹0.26 Cr (rough estimate)
- Day 14 [January 7]: ₹0.26 Cr (rough estimate)
Total Collections
After two weeks, Baby John has accumulated a total net collection of approximately ₹39.01 crore, failing to cross the anticipated ₹40 crore mark.
Weekwise Breakdown
- Week 1 Total: ₹32.65 Cr
- Week 2 Total: ₹6.36 Cr
Film Details
Directed by Kalees and produced by Atlee, the film showcases Varun Dhawan in a lead role, aiming to capitalize on the popularity of its source material.
Budget and OTT Release Information
The film was produced on a substantial budget of approximately ₹160 crore. Reports suggest that the digital streaming rights for Baby John have been acquired by Amazon Prime Video, with an expected OTT release in late February, although no official confirmation has been made yet.
Despite a promising start, Baby John has struggled to attract audiences in its second week, with disappointing earnings that reflect a broader trend of mixed responses to Hindi remakes of South Indian films in the post-pandemic era. As the film nears its OTT release, it remains to be seen how it will perform in the streaming market.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on current box office reports and industry analyses.