‘Krrish 4’ delayed again! Siddharth Anand and Rakesh Roshan exits, Hrithik’s Film Struggling

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siddharth anand backs out from hrithik roshan's krrish 4

Krrish 4 is one of the most anticipated film of Bollywood. This movie sis sequel of Hrithik Roshan’s Krrish. Recently a new update has come out about the film. Sidharth Anand and his production have exited from the project. Hrithik’s father Rakesh Roshan was known for taking care of previous sequels have decided not to direct the film and choose to pass on the baton to a new director.

Budget Concerns Regarding Krrish 4

The making of Krrish 4 is facing massive budget constraints. The budget has become as high as Rs 700 crore. This has made the situation work and production house to coming to the project. Also, the long gap is making it more risky as more global superhero franchises like Marvel have released many movies.

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Siddharth Anand’s Exit

As Siddharth Anand exits from the film Krrish 4 the whole project’s timeline. Initially, Hrithik Roshan hoped Anand would take a key role in production, after the success of War. But, the huge budget has led to a mutual decision for Anand and his team in this project.

On the other hand, Rakesh Roshan who was shaping Krrish franchise has taken a back from directing Krrish 4. He wanted to pass on the responsibility to a new director. He also added there is no guaranteed success even after his involvement.

What will happen to Krrish 4?

Even after all these challenges, Krrish 4 is still on the table. As per the report, the film will now be produced by FilmKraft. They will collaborate with a new studio. A fresh team will be hired and a budget reassessment will be done. Hopefully, the new release is going to happen in 2026.

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