Boost Your Household Budget with Smart Edible Oil Choices in India

Koushik Roy

Boost Your Household Budget with Smart Edible Oil Choices in India


The Indian government has recently announced a significant increase in the import duty on edible oils by 20%. This move aims to support local farmers and stabilize the domestic edible oil market amid fluctuating global prices. With the rise in duties, the dynamics of palm oil and sunflower oil prices are expected to shift, impacting consumers and the industry alike.

Understanding the Import Duty Increase

The increase in edible oil import duties is part of India’s ongoing strategy to boost local production and reduce dependence on imports. By imposing a higher duty, the government aims to encourage the consumption of locally produced oils, which can benefit farmers and contribute to the country’s agricultural economy.

Impact on Palm and Sunflower Oil Prices


Despite the duty increase, experts believe that palm oil prices are unlikely to experience significant escalation. This is due to the current global market conditions and supply chain dynamics. Conversely, sunflower oil is being positioned as a premium product, with rising consumer preferences leading to increased demand and potentially higher prices.

Market Trends and Implications

As domestic production ramp ups, it is expected that the competitiveness of Indian edible oils will improve. The increase in duty on imported oils may lead consumers to reconsider their choices, leaning towards locally produced alternatives that are now being marketed as fresher and more sustainable.

Supporting India’s Edible Oil Mission

Sandeep Bhan, COO of SD Guthrie, emphasizes the importance of supporting India’s edible oil mission. This initiative will not only aid in achieving self-sufficiency but also enhance the livelihood of farmers across the nation. The focus on local production is crucial, especially given the geopolitical factors affecting oil prices worldwide.


The increase in import duties on edible oils represents a significant shift in India’s approach to food security and agricultural sustainability. As consumers adapt to changes in price and availability, the overall objective remains clear: to support local agriculture while ensuring quality products for Indian households.