Is Rahul Gandhi a Viable Alternative to PM Modi? Prashant Kishor Weighs In

Koushik Roy

Is Rahul Gandhi a Viable Alternative to PM Modi? Prashant Kishor Weighs In

In a recent interview, election strategist Prashant Kishor shared insights on the performance of the Congress party during the recent Lok Sabha elections, attributing a substantial part of their success to the leadership of Rahul Gandhi. While Kishor acknowledged that Congress had exceeded expectations by winning 99 seats—a significant increase from their previous tally of 52—he emphasized that Rahul has further to go before being regarded as a plausible alternative to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Rahul Gandhi’s Leadership: A Step Forward for Congress

Kishor commended Rahul Gandhi’s leadership, stating that the resurgence of the Congress party in these elections is a reflection of his growing influence within the party. He remarked, “Whenever a party seems to be reviving, its leader should get the credit. Congress fought the elections under Rahul’s leadership, so the credit for the party’s performance should go to him.”

A Long Journey Ahead


Despite acknowledging the party’s improved standings, Kishor emphasized that Rahul Gandhi still has a significant journey ahead to establish himself as a national leader. He compared the current scenario to past performances by Congress, stating that while Indira Gandhi had led the party to win 154 seats during a time of loss, Rahul’s 99 seats indicate that more efforts are necessary. “This shows that as a leader, Rahul still has miles to go before we can say that he has emerged as a national leader,” he remarked.

Challenges of National Leadership

When probed about Rahul’s potential to become a national alternative to PM Modi, Kishor suggested that it may take additional time and strategic planning. “Winning 99 seats is one thing, but winning 250 to 260 is another,” he stated, underlining the magnitude of the challenge ahead for the Congress leader in a political landscape dominated by the BJP.

Positivity in Opposition Unity

In his analysis, Kishor also praised the broader opposition for their collaborative efforts. He noted that the unity displayed amongst different opposition parties is a positive development for Indian democracy. “At least there is a good debate going on in Parliament… we should appreciate their efforts to put forth their views in a coordinated manner,” Kishor stated.

2024 Election Results Overview

Party Seats Won (2024) Seats Won (2019) Change
Congress 99 52 +47
BJP 240 303 -63

The recent election outcomes have shown a notable shift in the Indian political landscape. The Congress party’s increase in seat count reflects a potential revival, yet the aspirations of establishing Rahul Gandhi as a national leader still require concerted effort and time. Moving forward, the focus will be on how effective Rahul can be in navigating the complexities of national politics in the coming years.