Aadhar Card Loan: You can get Loan up to 2 Lakh Easily, See Eligibility and Process

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how to get digital loan with aadhar card

There are situations when we suddenly need cash but no one comes for help. Well, now a day getting financial help has become more hassle-free than ever. In case of any emergency situation you can easily apply for a digital loan and get it approved within a few minutes. In this method, you can have up to Rs 2 Lakh. But How? And before you proceed what are the important things to keep in mind?

Easy Aadhar Card Loan

Nowadays almost everyone has an Aadhar Card. It’s not only a government document but it has become one of the most essential cards for banking, getting any scheme,s and other important works. This card can also help you get a loan. How? We will discuss the process today in this article.

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How to get an Aadha Card Loan?

If you want to get a loan with your Aadhar Card you have two options one is digital and completely paperless which can be done within 10 minutes. Or you have an offline option as well for those who are not very handy with the digital environment.

In case you want to go for the online option you need to download Digital Loan apps, mostly of these apps from Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs). But be sure to download only reputated apps and download it from the Google Play store only, not from any APK or malicious link. After you have downloaded and installed the app in your smartphone you can sign up using your phone number and Aadhar Card details. It will tell you your loan eligibility, then you can choose your desired amount and tenure to repay the loan. Read all the information properly only then submit the loan application. These online apps mostly release the loan amount almost instantly once the eligibility criteria are met.

In case you want to go offline, then you have to find the NBFC branch and contact any support staff there. He or She will guide you through the whole process. There also make sure to ask question about the interest rates and tenure, all questions like this.

Eligibility to Get an Aadhar Loan

Before you apply for an Aadhar Card based loan, you can pre-check your eligibility buy checking the things mentioned below:

  • Applicant Must be an India Citizen.
  • Applicant must be with in 21 years to 60 years old.
  • Applicant must have a stable income source.
  • Applicant must have a good credit score. Mostly Scores starting over 700 are considered good but if you have a 750+ score it’s much easier to get higher loans sanctioned.


While taking digital loans make sure to check the terms and conditions, tenure, interest rates, and all important things. Also, don’t share your banking information or OTP with anyone over the phone.

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